02 About


Family Welfare, Primary Health, and Preventive Services Organization (FWPPS), is a registered non-profit NGO dedicated to enhancing Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) services in Tanzania. Utilizing research-backed strategies, FWPPS collaborates with various stakeholders to increase awareness and access to integrated RMNCAH services, focusing on women of reproductive age, youth, and children. Alongside its core focus, FWPPS actively engages in research programs to advance knowledge and practices. The overarching goal is to significantly improve maternal, adolescent, and child health outcomes in Tanzania, contributing substantially to achieving SDGs’ targets related to maternal, under-five, and newborn mortality indicators..

Our Vision

To create a Tanzanian society where every individual, especially women and children, enjoys optimal health and well-being, fostering a future of prosperity and equality.

Our Mission

FWPPS is committed to advancing Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) services through partnerships with community stakeholders, governmental entities, and local/international NGOs.

Our Objectives

  1. Enhanced Access:
    Elevate access to high-quality, client-centric RMNCAH services, including Family Planning (FP), within health facilities and the surrounding communities.
  2. Health Behavior Enhancement:
    Enhance the capacity of community members, especially women of reproductive age and youth, to adopt positive health-seeking and self-care behaviors.
  3. Optimized Enabling Environment:
    oultivate an improved enabling environment conducive to delivering quality RMNCAH services.
  4. Research Evidence Utilization Promotion:
    Generate novel evidences through research and advocate their integration into informing practices, policies, programs, and decision-making processes.

Why Choose Us

FWPPS Organization was established after a comprehensive analysis of the healthcare system, access to basic healthcare, vital health indicators and priority health needs of Tanzanian societies. The analysis involved key stakeholders ranging from healthcare leaders and providers at various levels to community stakeholders.

The following critical issues were identified;

  1. In Tanzania, the medical care services are skewed to tertiary and secondary health care, with inadequate attention to primary health care.
  2. Emphasis in disease prevention is mainly placed on secondary prevention rather that primordial and primary prevention which focus on influencing determinants of health.
  3. Access to primary health care is still a challenge especially in rural areas and poor urban settings.
  4. Tanzania is among of the Sub-Saharan Africa countries exhibiting the highest Neonatal and Maternal Mortality Rates (N/MMRs).
  5. Out of pocket expenditure is a dominant health financing approach.

These issues have impacted the attainment of global targets of UHC and sustainable development goal (SDG) no. 3. FWPPS Organization is well prepared to address these pressing issues by implementing targeted and research-backed interventions with special focus on improving access to and strengthening maternal, child and adolescent health services.